


商企云 | 2021-07-02 | 分享至:
網站設計應該有更多的思索在里面,每一個元素都是思索的產兒,而不是隨意的點綴。當然,感性的爆發也必不可少,因為她是藝術,是商業化了的藝術、技術化了的藝術。因為作一名網站設計師需要學習的東西太多太多,有時候不一定具有一定的專業性,所以名字也有一大堆。什么“網站設計”、“網頁制作”,“網站開發”,“做網頁的”,“做網站的”,“網站開發工程師”,“seo” ,”UEO“如此等等。可如今W3C和微軟IE及各個瀏覽器的推進,對網站設計師的要求越來越高,這就使得網站設計師們對設計和動畫及代碼越來越專業、標準。 Web design should have more thinking inside, each element is the product of thinking, not optional ornament. Of course, the outbreak of perceptual also is essential, because she is art, is the commercial art, technology of the art. Because as a web designer, you need to learn too much too much, sometimes may not have certain professional, so there's a big name. What "website design", "to create a web page," "website development", "do the web page," "do website," "website development engineer" so and so on. But now the W3C and Microsoft IE and various browsers propulsion, web designers to demand more and more, this makes the web designer to design and animation and more and more professional, standard code. 網站設計師就是為網站頁面進行設計并制作的工作人員,他們即是專業的網站設計師,又是靜態網站的開發工程師;總的來說網站設計師是最辛苦的行業,不僅要懂頁面的設計、規化、排版、HTML代碼、FLASH動畫甚至還要多懂一些代碼,必須是個全能人才,特別是現在08年以后,W3C的推進,對網站設計師的標準也是越來越高,越來越精確。 Web designer is for the web page design and production staff, they is a professional web designer, is the development of web static engineer; In general web designer is the most hard industry, not only to understand the page design, the rules, typesetting, HTML code, FLASH animation or even know some code, must be a all-round talents, especially now beyond, the W3C's advancement, the standard for web designers is also more and more high, more and more accurate. 網站設計師的就業職位歸結有網站設計師、網站美編、企業網站策劃、網站管理、多媒體界面設計。 Web designer employment position have a website designer, web site attributed some, enterprise web site planning, web site management, multimedia interface design. ⒈負責對網站整體表現風格的定位,對用戶視覺感受的整體把握; Responsible for the overall performance of the website of the style of the positioning to users of the visual experience overall assurance; ⒉進行網頁的具體設計制作; The specific design for web page; ⒊產品目錄的平面設計; Product catalogue of graphic design; ⒋各類活動的廣告設計; All kinds of activities of the advertising design; ⒌協助網站開發人員頁面設計等工作。 Assist web developers page design work. 對于追求無限創意和具實驗探索精神的網站設計師來講,趨勢一說可能會顯得有點可笑,如果每個網站設計師都遵循原有的趨勢,那誰還去開創新趨勢?沒有了新趨勢,下一個輪回的時候,網站設計師們又去遵循什么趨勢? The pursuit of infinite originality and experiment with the spirit of exploration site designer speaking, a trend may seem a bit ridiculous said, if every web designer follow the trend of the original, who also went to create new trend? No new trend, the next cycle, web designers and to follow what trend? 但不管你是否屬于哪一類網站設計師,你卻偏偏又不得不了解和跟隨這些趨勢。除非你只為你自己做網站,否則如果你給客戶的項目完全背離了主流的趨勢,那要么就是黑馬,要么就是客戶覺得你無能,跟不上趨勢的節奏。 But whether you belong to which a web designer, but you have to know and are again with these trends. Unless you for your own website, or if you give customer project complete departure from mainstream trend, that or is a dark horse, or is the customer feel that you cannot, and can't keep up with the pace of the trend. 本文發布于北京網站建設公司商企云http://www.echangyou.com/



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