


商企云 | 2021-07-05 | 分享至:
北京網站建設流程概述:與提出需求的客戶溝通→設計建站方案→確定合作意向簽定協議→網站內容整理→網站設計、制作、修改 →網站確認并發布。 Beijing website building process overview: and to demand the customer communication, web design program to determine the intent agreement, website content, website design, finishing production, modification, website confirmed and released.
網站建設網站開發流程詳細介紹 Site construction site development process in detail 第一步:與提出需求的客戶溝通 The first step: to demand the customer communication 客戶通過電話、電子郵件或在線訂單方式提出自己網站建設方面的“基本需求”。公司專業業務人員與其溝通。 Customers by phone, email or online order form to put forward his own website construction aspect " basic needs ". The company professional business and communication. 涉及內容包括: 1、公司介紹; 2、欄目描述; 3、網站基本功能需求; 4、基本設計要求。 Contents include: 1, the company introduced; 2, column description; 3, website basic function demand; 4, the basic design requirements. 第二步:設計建站方案 The second step: web design scheme 首先,根據企業的要求和實際狀況,設計適合企業的網站方案。是選擇雙線虛擬主機服務,還是自己購置服務器;根據企業風格度身定制;一切根據企業的實際需要選擇,最合適的才是最好的。 First of all, according to the requirements of enterprises and the actual situation, designed for business website solution. Is select virtual hosting service, or purchase their own server; according to the enterprise style tailor-made; everything according to the actual needs of enterprises, the most suitable is the best. 第三步:確定合作意向簽定協議 Step third: determine the intent agreement 雙方以面談、電話或電子郵件等方式,針對項目內容和具體需求進行協商。雙方認可后,簽署《網站建設合同書》并支付50%網站建設預付款。 Both in interviews, telephone or e-mail, according to the project specific content and demand for consultation. As agreed, signed " website construction contract " and pay 50% construction sites in advance. 第四步:網站內容整理 The fourth step: site content 根據網站建設方案書,由客戶組織出一份與企業網站欄目相關的內容材料(電子文檔文字和圖片等),我們將對相關文字和圖片進行詳細的處理、設計、排版、掃描、制作,這一過程需要客戶給予積極的配合。 According to the website program book, by a customer organization and enterprise website relevant content material ( electronic document text and pictures), we will be related to the text and picture detail processing, design, typesetting, scanning, making, this process requires the customer to cooperate with. 第五步:網站設計、制作、修改 The fifth step: web design, production, modification 一旦網站的內容與結構確定了,下一步的工作就是進行網頁的設計和程序的開發。網頁設計關乎企業的形象,一個好的網頁設計,能夠在信息發布的同時對公司的意念以及宗旨作出準確的詮釋。很多國際大型公司都不惜花費巨大的投入在網頁的設計上。我們擁有專業的技術人員,將給您提供最專業的網頁設計,使您的網站表現不凡,脫穎而出。 Once the site content and structure were identified, the next step is to webpage design and program development. Webpage design is about the image of enterprises, a good webpage design, can in the information released at the same time on the company's idea and aim to make accurate interpretation. Many international Large Firm are not hesitate to spend huge investment in webpage design. We have a professional technical staff, will provide you with the most professional webpage design, make your site showed extraordinary talent showing itself. 第六步:網站提交客戶審核并發布 The sixth step: submit site customer audit and issue 網站設計、制作、修改、程序開發完成后,提交給客戶審核,客戶確認后,支付網站建設余款。同時,網站程序及相關文件上傳到網站運行的服務器,至此網上正式開通并對外發布。 Website design, production, modification, application development is completed, submit to customer audit, the customer to confirm payment balance, website construction. At the same time, the website program and related files are uploaded to the web server running, thus officially opened and released online. 本文發布于UEO營銷型網站建設公司商企云http://www.echangyou.com/



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